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Aurora Picture Show
2521 Holman Street, Houston, TX 77004

Attend this free info session to learn more about The Idea Fund, a regional re-granting program for artists.

The Idea Fund, a re-granting program administered by DiverseWorks in partnership with Aurora Picture Show and Project Row Houses and funded by the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, announces its eleventh round of funding for artist-generated and artist-centered projects. Supporting individual artists, curators, collectives, collaboratives or partnerships in the Greater Houston Area, The Idea Fund awards 12 – 15 grants at three distinct levels: Spark ($1,000), Catalyst ($4,000) and Stimulus ($7,000).

Geographic Eligibility: Open to artists living in the Greater Houston Area. The lead artist must reside in one of the eligible counties: Harris, Galveston, Brazoria, Fort Bend, Waller, Chambers, Liberty, or Montgomery.

More info and application at www.theideafund.org.

Applications for Round 11 open on Monday, August 13, 2018 and close on October 29, 2018. Grants are highly competitive and awarded by a panel of arts professionals and a past Idea Fund grant recipient. The Idea Fund is committed to supporting new practices in contemporary art by funding unconventional projects and ideas that promote collaboration and non-traditional modes of making. Past projects have focused on artistic practices that reference guerilla-style interventions, conceptual, entrepreneurial, participatory forms of working. Funded activities could include but are not limited to exhibitions, publications, public events, film screenings, the work of an individual artist, collective, or temporary association of artists, and the founding of a temporary or permanent artists-run space.

The Idea Fund is funded by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. For more information and requirements please visit theideafund.org, or attend one of our info sessions.