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Diverse Discourse brings national curators, artistic directors, and critics to Houston to present a free public lecture and conduct studio visits with selected Houston-area artists, performers, and writers.  Diverse Discourse provides a significant opportunity for area artists in all disciplines to have their work reviewed by a variety of distinguished arts professionals, fostering a cultural exchange across the nation between artists and cultural producers. Click here for studio visit application guidelines.


Angela Mattox is the Artistic Director of Portland Institute for Contemporary Art (PICA), which presents performance and visual art programs and embraces those artists who exist at the borders of disciplines and ideas. Through the annual TBA Festival, artist residencies, performances, exhibitions, and workshops, PICA creates a broad platform for contemporary art and vital issues of today. Her global curatorial approach focuses on experimental performance practice, cross cultural exchange, and interdisciplinary work.

Mattox was the former Performing Arts Curator at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA) – San Francisco’s leading multidisciplinary contemporary art center. She joined the curatorial team in 2003 and was instrumental in revitalizing the performing arts presenting program. In her eight years at YBCA, she supported such visionary artists as Ralph Lemon, Meg Stuart, Nick Cave, Jerome Bel, Lemi Ponifasio, Reggie Wilson, and Cynthia Hopkins.  She commissioned new work by local artists in the Bay Area such as Marc Bamuthi Joseph, Keith Hennessy, Sarah Shelton Mann and Jess Curtis. From 1999–2003, she served as Program Coordinator at Arts International, a New York based organization dedicated to the support of global cultural exchange in the arts.

Mattox has served as a member of the Japan Foundation’s Performing Arts Japan committee, the FUSED review panel, and as a Hub Site for the National Dance Project for four years. She is a member of Contemporary Arts Centers network and the Africa Contemporary Arts Consortium, Headlands Center for the Arts Program Advisory Council and has served on panels for Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Creative Capital, MapFund, Mid-Atlantic Foundation for the Arts, San Francisco Arts Commission, Western Arts Alliance and the NEA. She received her BA degree through the World Arts and Cultures program of UCLA.