Verónica Gaona, para aquellos que no regresan en vida, siempre está la muerte (homenaje a David Gomez) / For those who do not return in life, there is always death (homage to David Gomez), F150 truck burnout performance, 2021. Photo: Junior Fernandez.
for those who do not return in life, there is always death / para aquellos que no regresan en vida, siempre está la muerte
Join DiverseWorks and Lawndale for an hour-long performance by Verónica Gaona, featuring a Ford F150 and Latinx funerary practices to explore the realities and experiences of the body within a transnational landscape. The performance invites audiences to reflect on ideas related to traslados (transfers), an act of remittance of cadavers over long distances– usually borders, in preparation for final burial in their home country. This work will be co-presented in partnership with Lawndale Art and Performance Center where Gaona is currently an artist-in-residence.
Saturday, October 15, 6:30 pm sharp
Parking Lot at Lawndale Art and Performance Center
4912 Main Street., Houston, TX, 77002
This performance is a part of Sites of Memory, an exhibition featuring recent works by San Antonio-based artist Jenelle Esparza and Houston-based artist Verónica Gaona. Sites of Memory will be on view through November 5th. Public Hours are Thursdays – Saturdays, 1 – 6 pm. Admission is free.
Verónica Gaona, is an interdisciplinary artist from Brownsville, Texas, a city along the Texas – México border landscape, living and working in Houston. Born to working class Mexican migrants, Gaona received a Master of Fine Arts in Studio Art from the University of Houston and a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications from The University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley. She was a recipient of the 2021 Houston Artadia Award, was a panelist on Monumentality in Art: Memory, History, and Impermanence in Diaspora at the 2022 CAA conference in Chicago, and participated in the Engaging Latinx Art: National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute at the Museum of Fine Arts Houston. Currently, she is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Houston and is a Lawndale Artist Studio Program artist-in-residence.