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Improvisational Creative Movement Workshop w/ Leslie Scates

DiverseWorks is pleased to co-present, with Dance Source Houston, former Artist Advisory Board Member Leslie Scates’ upcoming workshop at the Rice University Glasscock School of Continuing Studies: Improvisational Creative Movement. I wonder how many people,...

Artist Advisory Board Conversation: Dennis Nance

Today, we are pleased to introduce another artist from BOX 13 Art Space on our Artist Advisory Board, 2015-2016: Dennis Nance, artist, costume maker, and arts administrator at Lawndale Art Center. Have you ever doubted that art can be fun and funky? If so, you have to...

Artist Advisory Board Conversation : Tek Wilson

Tek Wilson is a Houston-based theater artist. Her involvement with DiverseWorks began as a gallery visitor, until she shared her talent with DiverseWorks audiences as she performed in Slyk Chaynjis directed by Heather and Ivan Morison at DiverseWorks. A year later,...

Meet Our Fall 2015 Interns at DiverseWorks

This semester, DiverseWorks welcomed four new interns who have all different backgrounds and interests, but share the same passion for the arts. As a group we participate in Reading Group Discussions, assist in  public events at the organization, and get involved with...