by dwintern | Jan 4, 2016 | Blog
Today, we are pleased to introduce another artist from BOX 13 Art Space on our Artist Advisory Board, 2015-2016: Dennis Nance, artist, costume maker, and arts administrator at Lawndale Art Center. Have you ever doubted that art can be fun and funky? If so, you have to...
by dwintern | Dec 7, 2015 | Blog
“Norma, do you realize that there is anything abnormal in your affections for Marie?” “Nothing abnormal whatever that I know of,” said Norma, “except as to the fact of it being love on the part of one for another of the same sex.” “Do you realize that such a state of...
by dwintern | Nov 16, 2015 | Blog
Tek Wilson is a Houston-based theater artist. Her involvement with DiverseWorks began as a gallery visitor, until she shared her talent with DiverseWorks audiences as she performed in Slyk Chaynjis directed by Heather and Ivan Morison at DiverseWorks. A year later,...