Performance & Participation Opportunity with taisha paggett & WXPT

Call for Participation in School for the Movement of the Technicolor People

Information sessions for a project by taisha paggett & WXPT, in collaboration with Ashley Hunt and Kim Zumpfe (in which we may attempt to build new sensations of time, space, and togetherness):

SESSION ONE School for the Movement - Audition Call PHoto
Friday, February 5, 5 – 6 pm
1900 Kane Street, Houston, TX 77007

Tuesday, February 9, 5:30 – 6:30 pm
MATCH Rehearsal Room
3400 Main Street, Houston, TX  77002

This project aims to assemble a temporary movement company for a performance project moving from Los Angeles to DiverseWorks in Houston and the Fusebox performance festival in Austin. This project, School for the Movement of the Technicolor People, is a large-scale installation and performance platform by Los Angeles-based artist taisha paggett. This project, which takes the form of a dance school, is shaped by the question, “what is a Black dance curriculum today?” The installation itself, developed in collaboration with artists Ashley Hunt and Kim Zumpfe, serves as a temporary dance school and performance space.

Interested participants should attend one of the Information Sessions listed above. Commitment to this project will include participation in weekly rehearsals and performances in April through early May 2016. THIS WILL BE  A PAID PERFORMANCE OPPORTUNITY.

Queer-identified Black folk and allies possessing experience in and comfort with performance and learning movement are especially encouraged to participate.

Useful (but not required) experience includes: community organizing; (contact) improvisation; dance; theater; aerobics; meditation; intentional living; conceptual, process-based and performance art; wellness; experiments in radical education; an insatiable need to think through the body; an interest in landscape, nature, and dirt. and poetry. and migration. and possibility.

School for the Movement of Technicolor People was previously presented at LACE in Los Angeles, October – December 2015.

For more information or questions, please email Taylor Hoblitzell at DiverseWorks.