Dance, words, and scrap wood are the raw materials for One with Others, an examination of who we become due to the choices we make — or that others make for us. Crude, handmade wooden appendages — part prop, part prosthetic, part costume —stand alongside text and choreography to form a trio of jerry-rigged tools that dismantle and cobble back together affinities, art, and what it means to be seen, handled, used, and needed.
I think often of [Karen Sherman] as a working man’s choreographer, as she is as inspired by hard physical labor as she is by creating movement/performance in a studio. It’s as if she emerged out of the lumber camps of the Northwest or the tool and dye shops of Detroit. One with Others is a chamber of work for three dancers, and a unique quality about this work is that she extends the line and the form of the body with her handmade wooden appendages. This would be a not-to-be-missed event for me.
—Ben Johnson, independent curator and arts programmer based in Los Angeles for Portland Monthly