full frontal, exhibited, hung is the first of three subspace shows curated by the Gay and Lesbian Committee of the DiverseWorks Artist Board. The committee was designed to increase artist visibility in a space that offers a wide range of artistic ideas and to provide a place in the community to view new and gay lesbian art.
Curated by Laura Kellner, Travis Mader, and Sixto Wagan, full frontal, exhibited, hung will attempt to bring a genre of queer art out of the closet – the erotic. While sex and homosexuality are synonymous in the minds of some, the gay community has responded by desexualizing itself. With this in mind, the committee asks viewer to decide whether or not to look. Artists included are Elizabeth Zhe of Austin, Ray Ogar of Houston, and David LeJeune who is originally from the Houston area and has spent most of his life in New York and San Francisco.