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the air we breathe – Workshop

the air we breathe – Workshop

Christina Battle, the air we breathe, video still, 2023, courtesy of the artist.

October 7 – November 1, Registration Required
the air we breath: Online workshop with Christina Battle
Sign up to join until October 6, 2024

the air we breathe is an online participatory workshop series with a focus on air quality in and around Houston. Taking place online, in this collective endeavor we will spend time thinking about the ways that smell and memory intertwine across issues of air pollution and social/cultural shifts. As a participant, you are invited to engage with information online as you think through this complex issue. Participants will be asked to respond to materials (creatively) each week to share with others.

There will be two meetings that we are requesting all participants to attend:
Meeting #1 (online) – Introduction: Monday, October 7, 20024 – 6 pm CDT
Meeting #2 (online) – Reflections: Friday, November 1, 2024 – 3 pm CDT

Materials are provided in the form of a toolkit which will be distributed via the gallery. While the project takes place primarily online, you will be asked to drop responses off at the gallery to share with others at the end of the project (details will follow). More information will be shared at the start of the project. Participation is limited to 16. Sign up to join until October 6, 2024.


Christina Battle is an artist based in amiskwacîwâskahikan (Edmonton), within the Aspen Parkland: the transition zone where prairie and forest meet. Her practice focuses on thinking deeply about the concept of disaster: its complexity; and the intricacies entwined within it. She looks to disaster as a series of intersecting processes including social, environmental, cultural, political, and economic … which are implicated not only in how disaster is caused but also in how it manifests, is responded to, and overcome.


River on Fire is supported in part by the Texas Commission on the Arts, the City of Houston through the Houston Arts Alliance, The Brown Foundation, Inc., Houston Endowment, DiverseWorks members and patrons and Teiger Foundation, Teiger Foundation Climate Action Grant, and Teiger Foundation, with climate coaching for exhibition production and programming provided by Rute Collaborative as part of Teiger Foundation’s Climate Action Pilot.