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DiverseWorks on Wednesdays

DiverseWorks on Wednesdays

Radio DWOW organized by Rebecca Novak

Coming to you live from Radio DWOW: a performance of sound compositions for radio, including John Cage’s Radio Music for 1-8 radios, that will be simultaneously broadcast and tuned in to. Also on this program, David Dove will honor Joe McPhee and Arthur Doyle in a solo performance of selections from a significant historical concert of McPhee and Doyle, curated by Dove for DiverseWorks in 1998.

  1. Baltimore/Houston/Baltimore: Fiona Sergeant and Will Schorre (video); Damon Smith (double bass); Sandy Ewen (guitar and objects); Rebecca Novak (shortwave radio, amplified autoharp, morse code key)
  2. John Cage’s Radio Music for 1 – 8 radios, 1956:  Performed by Austin Cooley, Sandy Ewen, Eddie Hawkins. Rebecca Novak, Carol Ann Sandin, Shaun Sandor. Damon Smith
  3. Selections from Joe McPhee/Arthur Doyle concert of January, 1998: David Dove (trombone). Dedicated to Joe McPhee and Arthur Doyle (June 26, 1944 – January 25, 2014)

In January of 1998, DiverseWorks presented a concert featuring two major veterans of jazz’s radical avant-garde, Joe McPhee and Arthur Doyle. The concert was curated by then-artist board member David Dove. In addition to the performance, McPhee and Doyle gave workshops for the kids in Dove’s improvisation ensemble at MECA. The residency would plant the seed for what would become Pauline Oliveros Foundation Houston (POF Houston), founded and directed by Dove. POF Houston would eventually become Nameless Sound. To celebrate this history and remember this event, Dove will perform selections from that evening in honor of Joe McPhee and Arthur Doyle (who passed away on January 25 of this year).

IMAGE: David Jordan. Montage of four professional US omnidirectional base station antennas