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Fifteen: Jim Isermann is the first large-scale retrospective devoted to this nationally and internationally recognized Los Angeles-based artist. A fully illustrated catalogue of Isermann’s art with essays by David Pagel and Michael Darling accompanies the exhibition.

Isermann’s hand-loomed rugs, hand-woven fabrics, hand-pieced wall-hangings, stained-glass windows, hand-hooked shag paintings and furniture reminiscent of suburban living rooms of the 1950’s create distinct environments while reminding us of our own. His creations of geometric shapes and patterns employ a palette of recognizable colors where Playskool meets Romper Room. Central is a subversion of craft that engages rather than preaches to the viewer making his ideas all the more accessible. By keeping design at the forefront of his intentions, Isermann muddles the boundaries between domestic details and fine art, creating objects that quite happily stand on their own.

On View:

Saturday, September 12, thru
Saturday, October 24, 1998

Opening Reception:

Friday, September 11, 1998, 6-8 pm


1117 E. Freeway
Houston, TX  77002


Funded by the Institute of Visual Arts’ Major Exhibition Fund, Mary and Robert Looker, Carpinteria and Peter and Eileen Norton, Santa Monica.

Additional Information:

Curated by
David Pagel