Baltimore-based Sara Dittrich’s The Tender Interval is a performance broadcast live via Download the companion Meditation Guide here.

Anyone may watch the live-stream, but in order to participate and interact with the performances, you must have a free Twitch account. To create an account, view the instructions here. Once you have an account, you can type into the Twitch chatbox on Sara’s channel (located to the right of the live video). Type the text commands you see listed on the live video screen to interact with the performance. (Ex. Type “!changescene” into the chat to change the background in the treadmill performance.)

Sara Dittrich’s The Tender Interval creates a meditative experience that encourages the audience to slow down, engage in sensory perception, and find poetic refuge in moments of crisis. This newly commissioned series of multi-sensory experiences uses the body’s circulatory system as a means of fielding questions about close listening and ecological healing. Through her work, Dittrich engages in repetitive gestures, video, and sculpture to focus on the body’s circadian rhythms using biosensors as performative objects to track heartbeats and footsteps. The Tender Interval offers participants (and viewers) an opportunity to slow down and meditate on how the pace of our bodies’ physical processes are often determined by our surroundings.

The Tender Interval Schedule

Wednesday, September 23 – Tuesday, September, 29
12-2 pm Daily, and 7-9 pm Thursday and Saturday

Thursday, October 1- Saturday, November 14
7-9 pm Thursdays and 12-2 pm Saturdays

Note: the live-stream will alternate between two durational performances, each approximately 25 minutes long with a 5-minute intermission between each performance.

Live-streamed performances will be recorded and archived for later viewing.

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