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This video by Kelli Scott Kelley was shot among the twenty-five foot high columns of a burned down plantation home in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, and tells the story of a family of spirits—Belle encounters the winged Jestor, who leads her on a journey to unearth her family’s history of slavery and oppression.

Performers and Crew

Lauren Hargis (as Belle), Patricia Mitchell (Belle’s mother)
Mark Castator (Belle’s father), Verge Cornelius (as Jestor), Christopher Johnson (videographer), Bill Kelley (composer), Michelle Engelman(assistant director), Sarah Irwin (choreographer), Dan Havel (propmaster), and Toby Topek (the tree spirit).

Date & Time:

March 1 and 30, 1996


Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (March 1)
Heinen Theater, Houston Community College Central Campus (March 30)