Please join Aurora Picture Show, DiverseWorks, and Project Row Houses for a reception honoring The Idea Fund Round 9 Grantees at Aurora. Each artist or collaborative will talk about their project concept and plans in a fun and engaging Pecha Kucha-style presentation. Refreshments provided.
Round 9 Grantees
Artist Lending Library by Nick Barbee
WAKE the Zine by WAKE (Lauren Eddy, Jorja Montgomery, Grant Loomis, Lisa Gulesserian, Julian Jimenez, Dan Schmal, and Michael Stuart Allison)
The Green Book Project: Traveling During the Jim Crow Era by Reuben Levi
Coverage: The Everything Plus Poetry Festival by Outspoken (Emanuelee) Bean
She Speaks by Hannah Bonner
Paraspace Books – Textu(r)al Response: A Lecture and Workshop Series by Sara Balabanlilar and Sarah Rodriguez
The Art Cycle by Mary Forbes, Chelby King, Chelsea Shannon, Dr. Sandra Zalman, Carmen Champion, and Dr. William Howze
DAMN GXRL by EQ Collective (Jessica Fuquay, Anna Garza, Miriam Hamkin, Mary Walenta, and Muna Javaid)
Second Death by Felipe Steinberg
Uneasy Houston by Eric Pearce
EgunStories by Felicia Johnson
Contemporary Casta Portraiture: Nuestra “Calidad” by Delilah Montoya
The Idea Fund is a re-granting program administered by a partnership of DiverseWorks, Aurora Picture Show, and Project Row Houses and funded by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. It provides direct funding to artists for artist-generated or artist-centered projects that exemplify unconventional, interventionist, conceptual, entrepreneurial, participatory, or guerrilla artistic practices. The Idea Fund supports individual artists, curators, collectives, collaboratives or partnerships in the greater Houston area. Grants are competitive and awarded by a panel of arts professionals and artists. Round 9 Jurors were Dr. Julia Bryan-Wilson, Associate Professor, Department of History of Art at University of California, Berkeley; Dennis Nance, artist, Curator, Galveston Arts Center, and 2015 Idea Fund Recipient; and Lu Zhang, Deputy Director, The Contemporary, Baltimore.